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Best guitar solos from the album "Return To Glory"

Would you like to learn how to play some of my killer guitar solos from the Wikkid Starr album "Return To Glory"?

Many people ask me what is my process to compose guitar solos, etc.

My answer is: I just close my eyes, I hear the song and I sing the guitar solo.

"I just close my eyes, I hear the song and I sing the guitar solo". (by Rafa Souza - Lead guitarrist Wikkid Starr band)

You can see and understand a little bit more about my guitar solos on my Instagram.

There I posted all the guitar solos when I was recording the guitar parts. It's funny, because I use Instagram to remind me what I did, because when I am recording some guitar solos, I am a perfectionist guy and most of the time I am not happy with my own results.

So... If you want to learn a couple of my guitar solos, just check out my Instagram page, connect with me and enjoy the songs. It would be great if you could leave a comment with your thoughts.

Thanks guys, appreciate your support!

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